You might be experiencing the most changes on a mental, physical, and spiritual level now more than ever. This is all new ascension energy but truly it is all familiar energy. Something you already are is revealing itself to you so you can step into your purpose and reclaim your divine power. All that seems like chaos and uncertainty is a reshuffle for you to loosen the grips on controlling everything to remain the same. This is a time to start trusting more instead of trying to hold everything together so you can be in a familiar place. It almost feels like a rebirth. In all ways. In all parts of your life. This is completely normal.
You are okay. Even if you feel symptoms you can’t explain. There’s so much happening on a cellular atomic level that sometimes we might not have all the words to explain it. This is a reminder to welcome new energy. Welcome, change. Welcome, what doesn’t make sense? Don’t fantasise about “that one time when everything felt so good” it is all good right now and it is all going to be greater but it’s a space of authentic reflection, acceptance, and evolution of your own self.
You are always okay. In changes, we always try to find what can hold us together but you are held together right now by the greatest source of power. You can breathe as you flow. You can continue on as you discover. There isn’t this and that. It all just is and the more you trust yourself and trust that it’s okay the more you’ll accept your peace. Accept your new blessings.
There’s so much being revealed to you. You are so powerful and so precious. You are safe and okay. You are loved. This is what you must constantly remember. In the darkest hour or the most trying time; it’s all just new energy entering. Greater clarity is emerging. A new beginning. Be very patient right now and trust more of what you can’t explain.