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The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

What is Past Life Karma?

What is Past Life Karma?

You could think of karma as an unofficial bartering system within the spirit world. It’s how we make arrangements with one another to create growth experiences. It holds us accountable for our actions.

When you make a soul contract, you agree to fulfil a specific role for someone in a shared physical incarnation. Sometimes, this might involve playing the antagonist. When you do this, you’re providing a service. And the soul you’re working with will have to repay that favour for you in later life.

The misconception that surrounds past life karma is that it’s a system of judgment. It’s not. It’s far from it. For karma to be a system of justice, there must be a winner. But there is no loss in the game of life. There is only learning, and experience gained. Karma isn’t something we’re desperately trying to avoid. We embrace as a part of our journey.

On the soul level, we’re all too aware of its effect. Karma is as natural to the advancing soul as the intake of oxygen is to our physical bodies. It’s an unquestionable part of our experience. Without food, your body would perish. And without the creation and resolution of past life karma, we would experience very little progression as souls.

Karma and the Law of Cause and Effect

If it wasn’t obvious already, karma and the law of cause and effect operate under the same rules. But there are a few things to be aware of. All karma is rooted in the law of cause of and effect, but not all-cause and effect can is karmic in nature.

Cause and effect state that everything that is going on in your life is the result of what has come before. The effects that you’re experiencing now came about through the choices you made in the past.

For example, if you’ve just got a new job, you gained that new position through the enactment of your free will choice. There is no adverse karma at play. However, if the reason you had to look for that job is that you were fired, then it’s likely there’s an element of karma attached to your circumstances.

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