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The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

Past Life Karma and Reincarnation: The Twin Laws of Spiritual Growth Reincarnation 

The Twin Laws of Spiritual Growth Reincarnation

Your past life karma is the result of living through many hundreds and thousands of lifetimes. It’s the process of reincarnation that makes your advancement as a soul possible. Because of it, you have a never-ending capacity to grow and evolve.

When you’re a disincarnate soul – a soul without a body – you’re connected with source-consciousness. You have a complete awareness of your place within creation. And you exist free of negative human emotions such as fear, anger, and hate. In the spirit world, you only know divine love and oneness with the creator.

This is why reincarnation is such an important concept. By incarnating in the physical, you forget your divine origins. It allows you to have an experience free from the bias of your eternal knowing. You have to learn how to be loving and compassionate without already having access to that knowledge. That’s the challenge of incarnating into a physical body.

But there are hazards. The Earth is an unforgiving environment. And there is no guarantee that you’ll be successful. In fact, it’s not unusual to repeat the same experiences over multiple lifetimes, until you’ve resolved a specific aspect of your karma.

How is Past Life Karma Created? 

There are two types of karma you should be aware of: intentional and unintentional. We’ve already touched on the way you set up soul contracts before entering into a new life. But just to clarify further… By entering these agreements, you understand you’ll be taking on karma with full knowledge of the consequences. That’s how you create intentional karma.

When you create unintentional karma, it’s the result of your day to day actions. Karma, in this case, is the effect of your conduct towards others outside of your soul contracts. When you decide to cheat someone in the spur of the moment, you’re not thinking of the karmic blowback. But in the end, it always comes. There is no escaping karma at any level of the game.

Positive and Negative Karma (Karma and Dharma) 

If you’re wondering at this point whether all past life karma is negative. It’s not. Of course, it’s not. How can it be? We live in a world of duality and polarity – a world of opposites. For negative karma to exist, there must be a positive iteration.

The essence of karma is you reap what you sow. So if you choose a path that involves hurting others in whatever form that might be, you’ll experience a karmic blowback. But if you decide to be of service to others, and act from your heart-space, you will amass good karma – otherwise known as Dharma within Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

Does Bad Karma Only Happen to Bad People? 

Karma is all about perspective. What you may view as bad in the present, might actually be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes drastic change has to take place for you to get to where you need to be. But if it’s somewhere that’s going to benefit you in the long run, is it really bad?

How Long Does it Take to Resolve Karma? 

Because of the quickening and rising vibration of the planet, karma is being resolved at a rapid pace as we get closer to the 5D Earth. When the ascension does happen, you cannot take your karmic debts with you. They must be resolved before the shift.

What’s the Difference Between Bad Karma and Bad Luck? 

Bad luck can be the result – or effect – of bad karma. But it can also be a sign from the universe or your guides that you’re not on the right path. It can be their way of creating a roadblock intended to get you back on the course you’re meant to be on.

Is Karma the same thing as Fate? (and What About My Free Will…) 

You have free will, regardless of karma. It’s entirely possible for you to map out a life path before you incarnate and choose a completely opposite direction. You’ll always be guided towards the path you envisaged. But you don’t have to walk it.

How Do I Stop Creating Karma and Release the Load I Have? 

You stop creating new karma by living from your highest intent. You need to become mindful of your actions and how they’re affecting others around you. The more you continue to act in unawareness, the more you’ll create further missteps.

Does Each Life Have its Own Karmic Theme? 

Yes, each lifetime you come into will have its own specific lesson(s) you need to master. You will set up the specific circumstances through soul contracts before you incarnate. And you’ll continue to repeat the experience until you’ve fully integrated the teachings.

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