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The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

Personal Responsibility vs Individual Karma: Is Your Inaction a Crime?

Personal Responsibility vs Individual Karma: Is Your Inaction a Crime?

What if you find yourself faced with a choice that can affect someone else’s life? If you see someone being mugged, do you allow it to happen because it must be their karma to have that experience?

Really, this begs another question… Would you be able to live with the consequences of not helping that person? If you’re capable of helping someone who’s being threatened and do nothing, you become just as culpable as the perpetrator.

Maybe it was only that person’s karma to feel fear and not to be robbed of all their possessions? Moralistically speaking, think of the karma you would take on for not coming to the aid of that person. Where helping others is concerned, it’s not our place to be judge and jury. It is our duty to help whenever and however we can.

That is how you create the compounding of positive karma, by going out of your way to help others when there is nothing to gain for yourself. That’s how you bring the law of compensation into full effect and reap the benefits of a virtuous life.

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