The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

The Truth About Past Life Karma that Most People Aren’t Willing to Admit

How Do You Clear Past Life Karma (And Can It Be Done in This Lifetime?)

What if you find yourself faced with a choice that can affect someone else’s life? If you see someone being mugged, do you allow it to happen because it must be their karma to have that experience? Really, this begs another question… Would you be able to live with the consequences of not helping that person? If you’re capable of helping someone who’s being threatened and do nothing, you become just as culpable as the perpetrator. Maybe it was only that person’s karma to feel fear and not to be robbed of all their possessions? Moralistically speaking, think of the karma you would take on for not coming to the aid of that person. Where helping others is concerned, it’s not our place to be judge and jury. It is our duty to help whenever and however we can. That is how you create the compounding of positive karma, by going out of your way to help others when there is nothing to gain for yourself. That’s how you bring the law of compensation into full effect and reap the benefits of a virtuous life. How Do You Clear Past Life Karma (And Can It Be Done in This Lifetime?)

Your karma is the baggage you carry with you, lifetime after lifetime. It is imprinted on your soul. So when you reincarnate, you bring the totality of your karmic experience with you. Although you won’t be forced to resolve it all in just one life.

There are some drawbacks, though. The formation of your karma often involves going through emotional trauma, which can affect you over multiple lives. So while your karma itself might not be an issue, the wounds you carry from previous soul contracts might.

There are ways for you to get over those blocks. Because of the metaphysical nature of these problems, western medicine can’t help you. But many healing modalities look past your physical symptoms to alleviate trauma.

Past Life Regression and Beyond Quantum Healing 

Since your past life karma is imprinted on your soul, it’s possible to access it with the right approach. Your conscious mind is only one part of your inner being. When you connect to the higher aspect of yourself that’s aligned with your knowingness, you can unravel these traumas.

Past life regression (PLR) and Soul Talk both works with this part of you. Your Higher Self. It holds the knowledge of everything you’ve ever experienced through your existence as a soul. And by connecting with its energy, you’re able to resolve anything negative that may have happened to you in a previous life.

But you should know, working with these modalities won’t absolve you of your negative karma. If you’ve brought harm to or abused another soul, you’ll have to work it off as a karmic debt. What PLR and BQH can help you with is getting over the negative trauma associated with the harm that has been done to you.

Past Life Karma is Not Something to Worry About

Contrary to what’s been said about the effects of past life karma and the need to clear it, you’re not in a race against time. You’re not going to fall victim to karma – it’s not out to get you.

It will resolve itself organically when the time is right.

The worst thing you can do to yourself is to fret about what you might or might not have done in a past life. In most cases, you’re worrying over something you have no concrete knowledge about. You can’t know what karma you have without doing some serious consciousness exploration.

If you’re preoccupied with the idea of past life karma, there’s a chance you’re over-intellectualising it as a problem that needs your immediate attention.

That said, there is one way you can work with karma without constantly looking over your shoulder.

Use it as motivation for being of service to others. Don’t think about what could happen for what you’ve done in the past. Look to plant new seeds so you can reap the rewards in the future.

Some people like to call it karma yoga.

I just like to call it basic goodness. That’s all it is.

We don’t need to overcomplicate the act of simply being nice to one another.

So stop focusing on what you might have done in the past.

Root your actions in what you can do for those around you in the present.

Karma will take care of the rest…

Sam Booomer
Sam Booomer

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