By progressing this way, it allows a young soul to become familiar with physicality without the burden of dealing with complex human emotions. Starting life as vegetation, for example, means you can go through rapid life cycles, which can amass more experience than you think.
Everything in existence has consciousness. And by choosing to be a plant, you’re volunteering to be a part of the food chain. That means when you plant body containing your soul essence is consumed, you meld with the being consuming your flesh allowing you to partially integrate their wisdom, also.
After partaking in several of these preliminary lives, you’ll experience your first life as a human/hominid either in this world or another. These will generally be less challenging live to help ease you into life as an incarnate soul having to deal with complex emotions, social structure and culture.
All these experiences are what will decide which soul group you will be placed in. The purpose of this method is to make sure that souls are placed in groups that are balanced in terms of advancement, ability, attributes and specific goals.
Creating Soul Family, Amassing Soul Codes and Furthering Your Journey
It’s easy to limit our perception of what is possible to what’s in front of us. But the totality of creation extends far beyond our Earth, our Solar System and even beyond the universal level, we exist. Creation is an infinite concept that knows no bounds.
The galaxy and wider universe are teeming with life. The fact that we haven’t been formally introduced to it yet doesn’t invalidate its existence. There are many other human and hominid races that predate our own by millions – even billions – of years. We’re just the latest development in that chain of evolution.
All these bodies need souls for them to function, and there is no rule saying you can’t experience life as another race. The potential for your experience as a soul is entirely up to your own free will. In fact, it’s pretty much a requirement for your progression.
Just as we work our way through the stages of mineral and animal kingdom experiences, leading to a variety of human incarnations, we also need to go through life on other worlds, galaxies and universes to round out our skillset as a soul.